Tempahan dibuka untuk 2012!

Assalammualaikum n good afternoon/night/morning!

Mrs Yaya ade buat tempahan edit blog. Nak tak? hehe. seronok ke x?Yaya x taw nk buad ape.. So,byk la jgk waktu yg terluang. Mrs Yaya dah minta izin mak , mak yaya kasi. so, Yaya nak umumkan skrg. Kena ikut details utk tempah, check now !

Edit full Blogskin

: RM 5

Edit full simple template

: RM 10

Edit full Washed denim

: RM 10


: RM 5/standard

kalaw kowank nk yaya editkn salah satu daripade atas ni..
sng je.. kowank tekn ni..
( http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000700785346 )

Sory kalaw korank anggap harge uh maybe mahal, but tu kn harge top-up..
So, kowank buad cm ni..

-URL Blog

-Theme color

-Edit full template/header

-Edit blog/header yg mcm mana

-Email Blog

-Password blog korunk
Jangan risau, email dan password korunk dijamin selamat ..
kalaw x cye,leps yaya edit uh.. korunk tuka la password blog.. ape sush? haha.. kn? :?
Mesti ade tanye,macm mane erkk nk baya?
oke2.. tengok je bawh ni..

Washed Denim/Blogskin/Simple ataw Header

Yaya x nak sushkn korang.. So, yaya amik topup je sebagai bayaran k?
Yaya rase harge tuh x mahal sngt kn? bagy korunk ,murah je kn?
hehe.. ^^.. oke2..
cmni2.. korunk beli topup.. goress nombo dye.. then ,bgy kt message fb..
 So, yg nk  tu, bagy nombo topup haruslah dalam MAXIS k?

0ke 2.. skrunk,yaya nak tunjukkn korank gmba blog2 yg yaya da editkn:



The Owner : Nurulsitikirah.blogspot.com

The Owner : ummi-zara.blogspot.com/

Washed Denim :

The Owner : Mrshana53.blogspot.com/

Oke2.. da cukop la tu kn? oke2..
sory sebb yaya x tunjukkn simple template nye..
k.. da..
kalaw nk temph,ckp k? jgn malu2 plak.. ^^


Anonymous said…
salam , dear bole tak edit blog sy :)
mrs yaya said…
aalaikummussalm.. bole2..
just bgy nombo topup yg tlah digoreskn kt sye.. then, sye akn edit.. k?

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