
                                                               * She AWESOME right?

Assalamualaikum + Anneyonghaseo!

Oke , hari ni yaya nak ckp..pasll..
Grr'. Yaya mmg takde mood skrgg..
Btw, tu bukn tajuk untuk post yaya kali nii..
You know why? When i in my class, when i read..
Teacher said " Wan Alya, why u not read the sentence? " .
Urghhhhh! Padahal aku bace , tahuu x? geram betull..
Just aku bersin sekejap jeee! Aiyoooo! Pastu, ckp org x bacee plakkk!
ishhhh! Then, buat ceramahh kelas 6 Aman full with the tensionn!
Memang betull punnn! Teacher yg ajar 6 Arif pula ashik2 nk salahkn kiteorg!

6 Aman = First class\
6 Arif     = Second class

Ishhhh! berat sebelah pulakkkk! Atoiyai!
Yup, it's true right Marhani? We are student which is full of tension in our liffee!
* Aku tak tahu knape post kali ni banyk sngt speakingg!
* Yup, i know my english is brokenn! ;P
Byee! Assalamualaikum for muslim and Bye to non-muslimm!


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