2013 ❤

Assalamualaikum + Hai geng! 🏰

So, how? Rindu yaya tak? Tak rindu eh? Ok, fine --' Hahaha! By the way, yaya
nak ucapkan New Year #2013 , korang. Yaya sure sangat yang korang rase sekejap
je kan? Seriously , mmg sekejap.. So, hargailah masa. Hahaaha, mcm buat ceramah
la pulokk. >.< So, mesti sesak kan kt KLCC tu or Dataran Pahlawan. Kite tgok bunga
 api kat rumah je, tak nak lah gi sane. Takde faedah pun kan? If dapat duit, takpelah
jugak. So, ramai lah jgak akak2 senior yaya dulu yang dah berazam for this year to
change diorang punye sikap and jadi terbaik for their parents. TERAMAT ramai orang
yang wish 'Happy New Year,buddy' dalam facebook atau twitter. Penuh kot kat wall
facebook yaya. Seriously, yaya tak tipu. -.-

You know who is him? No,right? So, let me introduce him.  💋

Nama dia Muhammad Afiq. Actually, aku tak pernah tanye die tentang nama
die yang full punye. He is already 14 years old and I'm 12 years old. Eh eh!
Bukan la, 13 years young already. *I'm not a old girl --' He studies at SMK
Tengku Ampuan Jemaah. I think he's stay at school. Hostel lorhh. Same with
me. He's a romantic boyfriend ever. Seriously, i'm not kidding. He always make
​​me feel awkward. You know why? Because he is the first boy that call me _________.
He lives in Klang . He had twins. Dua2 comel, seriously. --'

Hahaha,lol. Tu je kot yang yaya nak cerita. Ouh, tak tak. Now, yaya akan tak active
blog, twitter or facebook. They're not for me. Not for now. Mereka menghasut aku.
Macam syaitan pulak bunyinya. >.< Okay, dah lah korang. Dah sampai masanya
untuk yaya pulang ke asrama yaya kt SMK telok mas ,Melaka. Thanks sngt2
sebab korang sudi bace. #Cehh, macam ada pembaca lah pulokk.
Assalamualaikum + Aishiteru . 🍏


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