Tutorial : Twitter widget with background

Assalamualaikum and Hai guys. So, tadi bile yaya bukak blog yaya.
Ade adik ni request tutorial twitter berbackground kat sidebar yaya tu.
So, tutorial ni yaya creditkan  kat Qaryum .  Kay, hope korang faham kay?  
So, let's start. :) let's start :) let's start :)

First, korang kalau nk buat bende alah ni, mesti ade twitter. *WAJIB
Second , kalau nk ubah background tu mesti ade photoscape or photoshop.
Third , jom la follow yaya kat twitter. *SUNAT

Code :
<div style="background:url(http://i.imgur.com/RXWVK.png) no-repeat;width:200px!important"><script src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script><script charset="utf-8" src="http://widgets.twimg.com/j/2/widget.js"></script><script>new TWTR.Widget({version: 2,type: 'profile',rpp: 5,interval: 30000,width:200,height: 207,theme: {shell: {background: 'transparent',color: 'transparent'},tweets: {background: 'transparent',color: '#333333',links: '#999999'}},features: {scrollbar: true,loop: false,live: false,behavior: 'all'}}).render().setUser('qayyumshahimi').start();</script></div>  

 RED      : URL BACKGROUND. Boleh ambil kat SINI
UNGGU : NAMA TWITTER KORANG ( EX. @mrsyaya2000 . Tak payah letak @ kay? )

Assalamualaikum and Baii. Kalau tak paham, boleh tanye k?



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